Fire sprinklers are a vital component of fire safety.
Corrosion in sprinkler piping is a major cause of sprinkler system failures. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 10% of sprinkler system failures are caused by corrosion. It is especially prevalent in dry pipes and pre-action systems. Corrosion is caused by the combination of metal piping, moisture, and air and causes the piping to degrade. Ultimately, this will result in reduced water flow, pinhole leaks and sprinkler head or piping blockage.
Locating Corrosion
Identifying corrosion is not difficult but requires an internal inspection of the piping network. NFPA standards require an internal inspection every 5 years. In many cases this is overlooked. It is a critical inspection, one that should not be deferred. While it is primarily an inspection for corrosion, it can also be used to discover the presence of other materials that can cause obstructions such as rocks, mud, dirt or microbiologic growth. The presence of any of the conditions outlined above require the initiation of an obstruction investigation which is basically a more detailed and complete internal pipe inspection.
A Variety Of Solutions Available
Once corrosion has been discovered (and damaged piping replaced) there are solutions to make sure that the underlying problem is eliminated and doesn’t return. You can try and remove moisture from pre-action or dry systems, which is marginally effective. Corrosion inhibiting chemicals are available but they can be messy and raise the possibility of environmental incidents. The most effective method is the introduction of nitrogen into sprinkler system piping.
Fireline is an expert at corrosion inspection and we offer the solution of nitrogen charging systems to ensure sprinkler reliability.
Get The Best of the Best from Fireline!
At Fireline, we offer an array of portable fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and sprinkler systems to keep your property safe. Fireline offers the highest quality alarm systems to alert occupants in your business of fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. We also offer fire suppression systems and fire sprinkler systems to keep fires controlled should an incident occur. Our trained sales staff will work with you to determine which system is best for your business and our technicians will ensure a quality installation. Fireline service technicians can test, inspect and repair any existing systems you may have.
To get started with Fireline today, or for more information on fire alarm, sprinkler, or suppression systems call us at 1-800-553-3405, or visit our contact page.