Avoid having liquid around your work space. It could cause a fire in your workplace.
While making sure your business is protected with fire alarms, sprinkler systems, and fire extinguishers, they are not the only things you can do to prevent workplace fires. Workplace fires can be prevented through some things you and your employees can do. Let’s take a look at some important things you can do to prevent workplace fires.
Keep Your Workplace Tidy
While it may not sound like a fire prevention tip, keeping your workplace tidy is a great way to keep fires from spreading around your space. Clutter can contribute to workplace fires spreading throughout your building by adding fuel to it. If your workplace is unorganized and filled with boxes, it could mean a blocked exit or equipment. Teach your employees to pick up after themselves, clean up their clutter, and put items like files away in their proper place away from fire equipment.
Store Chemicals and Oils Correctly
It is not unusual to find chemicals and oils in certain types of businesses like mechanic shops, factories, and repair shops. If your business has oil or chemicals in it, make sure they are stored at the right temperature and with the right light exposures. If some chemicals are stored incorrectly, they could create flammable vapors or explosions. Keep oil away from anything that sparks like machinery. Make sure to keep clothing and rags that have been soiled away from machines as well.
Look for Electrical Hazards
How many computers are plugged into that surge protector? Who has an electric heater under their desk? Did you unplug the toaster and toaster oven before leaving for the day? These are all things that could mean bad news for your business. Electrical fires are one of the most common causes for workplace fires. From faulty wiring to overloaded circuits to malfunctioning electrical equipment, your business could have a fire at any moment. To prevent a workplace fire, make sure to unplug anything that is not used often as well as anything that is malfunctioning.
These are just some of the ways you and your employees can help prevent a workplace fire. For more information on preventing a commercial fire, call Fireline today!
Preventing Workplace Fires with Fireline
At Fireline, we offer an array of portable fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and sprinkler systems to keep commercial kitchens safe. Fireline offers the highest quality alarm systems to keep your business safe from fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. We also offer fire suppression systems as well to help keep commercial fires controlled should they break out. Our trained technicians will work with you to determine which air sampling smoke detection system is best for your business. We will also help install and maintain the system for your commercial building.
To get started with Fireline today, or for more information on sprinkler systems call us at 1-800-553-3405, or visit our contact page.
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