Fireline’s services will keep your commercial kitchen safe from fire.
Commercial kitchens are loaded with heavy-duty cooking equipment that can reach high temperatures, the perfect recipe for a fire. Any commercial kitchen is more at risk of fire than many other commercial areas, whether it is in a restaurant or a seasonal or temporary kitchen. Fireline Corporation has the experience and technology to help you suppress any kitchen fire. If you need superb kitchen suppression services in Alexandria, VA, look no further than Fireline Corporation.
Kitchen Suppression Services in Alexandria: Design & Installation
Fireline’s wet chemical restaurant suppression system is an industry standard and has successfully put out many kitchen fires. Kitchen fires can happen in the cooking equipment, ducts, or exhaust hood. Fireline Corporation offers professional design and installation as part of our comprehensive kitchen suppression services in Alexandria, VA. A legitimate fire protection contractor is the safest avenue for keeping your kitchen up to code.
How Kitchen Suppression Systems Work
Kitchen suppression systems sit within the exhaust hood, over stovetops, over fryers, under cupboards, or a combination of these locations. They reside wherever rogue flames might commonly occur. The system connects to the cooking equipment’s gas line and the exhaust hood. If the temperature goes beyond a certain threshold, the system will cut off the gas line and turn on the exhaust hood automatically. Strategically-placed nozzles will spout wet chemicals onto the area below, quickly smothering any flames that are present.
A manual pull station is also included, a safeguard in case the system does not go off in a timely manner. It might not activate if a closeby fire sprinkler system does not activate when the fire breaks out. The sprinkler might go off when the fire spreads, but you do not want the fire to get to this stage.
Kitchen Suppression Services in Alexandria: Maintenance
Kitchen suppression services in Alexandria commercial kitchens would not be complete without ongoing maintenance to ensure the systems are working properly. A standard maintenance schedule is semi-annually. One of our skilled professionals will inspect and service your kitchen suppression system as needed. Our Annual Automatic Service Plan makes it easy to keep track of appointments, and all reports are accessible through our secure server.
Kitchen Suppression Systems Are Crucial
Without the proper chemicals to extinguish powerful kitchen fires, your commercial kitchen is a very risky place to be. Even with safe commercial kitchen habits, it is always best to have the standard kitchen suppression system in place should any fire happen. At Fireline Corp., we are happy to provide you with any and all of our kitchen suppression services in Alexandria.
Fire Protection Services from Fireline
Whether you need smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, or an automatic sprinkler system installed at your commercial property, Fireline has you covered. We have been protecting people and property from fire damage since 1947—and our experience shows in our excellent work! We are known for our superb customer service, our expertise, and our reliability. For more information on how we can help your residential or commercial property, visit us online or give us a call at (800) 553-3405. We are located in Baltimore, MD, with a second office in Leesburg, VA. For more fire safety tips, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.