As a food establishment owner, you must always be aware of fire safety and compliance with codes.
As a food establishment owner, you must always be aware of fire safety and compliance with codes. A commercial kitchen is a hectic and bustling place full of different fire hazards. During the pandemic, unrelated, rules and restrictions might overshadow important fire safety requirements, but you must continue to focus on fire safety. This cannot be ignored. Fire codes vary by city, county, and state. Fire codes are written by national organizations, like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and adopted by the state. Read on to learn if your commercial kitchen is compliant with fire codes.
Which Kind of Fire Extinguishers Do I Need for a Commercial Kitchen?
Fire extinguishers are given a classification based on the hazard they are intended to protect. This lets you know which hazard class fire the extinguisher will be effective at putting out. In commercial kitchens, Class K fires are the most common. These are fires fueled by cooking oils, fats, and grease. Class K fires can occur very quickly and spread fast, so it is crucial that the right fire extinguishers are in place.
Which Kind of Fire Suppression System Do I Need in My Commercial Kitchen?
All commercial kitchen cooking equipment is required to be protected by a special fire protection system. NFPA 96, which is the standard for commercial kitchen ventilation and fire protection systems, outlines the detailed requirements for commercial kitchen fire protection. Requirements include an approved hood and duct system with cooking equipment installed underneath it. You must have a fire extinguishing system installed within your hood, and an exhaust duct system to adequately remove and filter, grease-laden vapors. Other areas of the kitchen, like furnace rooms, refrigerators/freezers, and storage areas, all need their own automatic sprinkler systems that are specific to the hazards they protect. Regular cleaning of exhaust hoods and ductwork is the most important thing you can do to prevent a fire.
What Are the Common Fire Safety Compliance Problems in Restaurants?
An untrained kitchen staff can lead to kitchen fires. Your employees must be trained in the proper use of fire extinguishers and manual actuation of your fire extinguishing system. It is the job of management to provide clear instructions to all employees on a regular basis. Frequent instruction on fire safety will reduce the likelihood of inappropriate action from the kitchen staff in the event of a fire. Regular cleaning of grease and other debris is also vital for fire prevention in the kitchen.
Fire Protection Services from Fireline
Whether you need smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, or an automatic sprinkler system installed at your commercial property, Fireline has you covered. We have been protecting people and property from fire damage since 1947—and our experience shows in our excellent work! We are known for our superb customer service, our expertise, and our reliability. For more information on how we can help your residential or commercial property, visit us online or give us a call at (800) 553-3405. We are located in Baltimore, MD, with a second office in Leesburg, VA. For more fire safety tips, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.