While many think they know what to do in the event of a fire, most don’t have an established fire escape plan.
During a house fire, every second counts. That is why it is so important for you and your family to be prepared. Often, homeowners are underprepared when it comes to fire safety in their homes. While many think they know what to do in the event of a fire, most don’t have an established plan. Are you doing everything you can to help protect your family in case of a fire? Read on to figure out how to make your very own fire escape plan!
Map Out Your Exits
Draw a map of your home’s floor plan. Then, try to establish two ways to exit each room. If you have younger children, take them around your home to show exactly where each escape door, window, or route is located.
Set a Safe Meeting Place Outside the Home
Define one spot where everyone should gather after escaping your home in the event of a fire. It should be a place such as a tree or mailbox, that is a safe distance from the structure. Make sure that firefighters, fire professionals, or emergency personnel can see you there as well.
Determine Family Members Who Can Help
Select an older family member who can help the younger children or assist anyone who might be unable to exit the house on their own, such as senior citizens or those who have limited mobility. Like a parent or older sibling, selecting one adult for this job can help eliminate further confusion during what may be a chaotic or confusing time.
Teach Everyone to Get Low
During a house fire, smoke can be just as dangerous as the flames themselves. Explain to all family members, especially children, the importance of staying as low as possible to the ground while exiting. Practice crawling around the perimeter of your room to show them the right way to escape.
Check Your Home’s Smoke Alarms
Ensure that you’ve got at least one smoke alarm on every single level of your home. It especially important to make sure that smoke detectors are installed in or just outside of all bedrooms and in basements, in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. Then test them regularly to make sure they are in working order. Replace the batteries when you change your clocks in the spring and fall. Educate your children and let them hear the sound of an alarm in advance so that they will recognize it during an actual emergency.
Fire Protection Services from Fireline
Whether you need smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, or an automatic sprinkler system installed at your commercial property, Fireline has you covered. We have been protecting people and property from fire damage since 1947—and our experience shows in our excellent work! We are known for our superb customer service, our expertise, and our reliability. For more information on how we can help your residential or commercial property, visit us online or give us a call at (800) 553-3405. We are located in Baltimore, MD, with a second office in Leesburg, VA. For more fire safety tips, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.