While commercial kitchens are best suited for some establishments, they can also be very dangerous work environments. Grease build-up can lead to accidental commercial kitchen fires, which can be extremely serious. The best way to maintain a safe commercial kitchen environment for staff is to have proper systems and extinguishers in place.
So what is necessary for a commercial kitchen?
A hood and ventilation system is best for removing grease, heat, and grease vapors. To learn more about this type of system, check out our past blog here.
The next system needed for your commercial kitchen is an automatic extinguishing system. This type of system should be installed on every piece of kitchen equipment that can produce grease and grease vapors. Equipment should not be used if the system is not functioning properly to help ensure safety. Staff members should be educated on how to properly handle the system before ever using the kitchen equipment. Each automatic extinguishing system should be serviced by a professional regularly to ensure proper function.
Fire extinguishers should also be present within your commercial kitchen in case a fire does occur. K-rated or wet chemical fire extinguishers should be used within a commercial kitchen setting. This is because the portable extinguisher uses a mist to prevent splashes of grease when extinguishing the fires. Extinguishers should be kept no farther than 30 feet from the area used for cooking and should be maintained by a professional on an annual basis to ensure they are in working order.
At Fireline, we offer an array of portable fire extinguishers and fire alarm systems to keep commercial buildings safe. Fireline offers the highest quality alarm systems to keep your business safe from fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. We also offer fire suppression systems as well to help keep commercial fires controlled should they break out. Our trained technicians will work with you to determine which air sampling smoke detection system is best for your business. We will also help install and maintain the system for your commercial building.
To get started with Fireline today, call us at 1-800-553-3405, or visit our contact page.
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