Do you know the components of an effective fire protection plan for your commercial building? If you happen to be a building owner, business owner, or facility manager you should know. The answer to this question might be more complicated… Read More
Common Industrial Fire Hazards
Depending on the industry in which you work, the risk of fire is affected by certain factors. Building occupancy, the use of heat-producing equipment, the size of your building, and the kind of material storage all impact your building’s fire risk…. Read More
How a Thunderstorms Can Affect Your Fire Alarm System
Your fire alarm system can be impacted by thunderstorms when lightning strikes lead to power surges or outages. In summer, thunderstorms can be frequent. These seasonal storms can pack a punch and occur suddenly. Did you know that lightning can affect… Read More
Emerging Fire Protection Technologies
Innovation within the fire protection industry, like all other, has been technology-driven. Regulation, legislation, and code development can hinder the growth of innovation, however, technology is moving it forward. The growing complexities of modern infrastructure and the demand for more… Read More
3 Unexpected Spots to Place a Portable Fire Extinguisher
Do you own portable fire extinguishers? Many homeowners have smoke detectors in their homes but no portable fire extinguishers. A portable fire extinguisher adds a much-needed layer of protection and peace of mind in your home or on the go…. Read More
What to Do if a Fire Marshal Finds a Violation During Your Fire Inspection
Nobody likes to receive a notice of violation from the fire marshal, especially when the violation should have been avoidable. These include violations, such as items blocking sprinklers, a wrench missing from your sprinkler cabinet, or missing inspection intervals. There… Read More
3 Essential Criteria to Look for in a Fire Protection Company
A lot is at risk when picking a fire protection company. From the makeup of your building to the overall safety of your employees, fire protection is the most important component of the safety to your business or home. Many business… Read More
Money-Saving Tips for Fire Protection System Inspections
Think of all the fire systems that keep your building protected from fire as a kind of delicate ecosystem. Each component works seamlessly together to detect and extinguish fires, alerting building occupants when evacuation is required. When one system isn’t… Read More
Fireworks Safety Tips for the 4th of July
The lights and colors from fireworks on the 4th of July always look stunning. As beautiful as they are, fireworks can be dangerous if not handled correctly. Every year around the 4th, there are countless fireworks-related injuries all around the… Read More
Why Your Commercial Should Install a Wireless Fire Alarm System
Wired fire alarm systems are the industry standard. They are reliable but are labor-intensive to install and retrofits can be difficult, if not impossible. They can also detract from historic architecture. Wireless fire alarm systems have been around since the… Read More