Did you know that there are different classes of fire? Not all fires are created equal, so it wouldn’t make sense for all extinguishers to be created equal either.
What is a VESDA System?
VESDA, which is simply an acronym for Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus, is a smoke detection system that is constantly and actively sampling the air around it. Also known as an Aspirating Smoke Detector or Air Sampling Device, these systems… Read More
Vehicle Suppression Systems
Large construction vehicles and buses are a significant investment for private firms and public transit authorities. Replacing a large construction vehicle consumed by fire is a serious financial setback. Transit authorities need to provide reliable, safe transportation. To protect these… Read More
The Importance of Fire Extinguisher Training
Many people overlook the importance of fire extinguishers in both homes and businesses. Even with the best equipment, it might be useless in the event of a fire if no one is trained to use it. Fire extinguisher training is… Read More
Kitchen Fire Suppression System Inspections
A kitchen fire is something restaurateurs fear. Even with proper fire prevention practices, there’s always a risk something may go wrong. Fire codes require commercial kitchens to install fire suppression systems to protect exhaust equipment and cooking appliances. Like any other system,… Read More
Hotel Fire Safety
Traveling is fun. People usually travel during the summertime and stay at hotels and resorts. Many people also spend time in hotels and resorts all year-round to celebrate various holidays. Some travel for business. While lodging, nobody thinks about a… Read More
The Most Common Causes of House Fires
Our goal at Fireline is to prevent fires. Fewer things are more devastating than a house fire. Thankfully, there are ways to help prevent them. From residential sprinklers to fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, you can help to reduce your… Read More
A Guide to BDA, the Bi-Directional Amplification Two-Way Radio Communication Enhancement System
Reading this, you might be thinking, what is a BDA system? A Bi-Directional Amplification System, or BDA, is a dependable in-building public safety radio infrastructure system that is used to enhance and safeguard police, fire, and EMS emergency communications. BDA… Read More
Misconceptions About Residential Fire Sprinklers
Installing a fire sprinkler system in your home is one of most effective ways to protect your family from fire. Still, a lot of people think sprinkler systems are best suited for commercial buildings. This notion is common due to… Read More
Apartment Fireplace Safety Tips
There have been many historical buildings and structures that have been converted into apartments. Many of these have fireplaces. This is a real relic of a time before central heating units existed and when wood-burning fireplaces were usually the most… Read More