If you need fire protection for your building where fire sprinklers may not provide adequate protection for your equipment, you may need to install a fire suppression system. Most fire suppression systems can protect your building, assets, and people by using an agent… Read More
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Some Of The Most Common Types of Fire Suppression Systems
As a property owner who cares about fire safety, you know that fire suppression systems are vital for preventing the spread of fire and protecting valuable business assets. However, you might be wondering – if the fire suppression system goes off while… Read More
What To Do When Your Building’s Fire Alarm Keeps Making Noise
Fire alarms can make plenty of noise beyond their alarm sound. While these noises usually indicate that something needs attention, they can sometimes persist without any real reason. This can swiftly become a nuisance if you’re unable to figure out why it… Read More
4 Essential Reasons Your Employees Need Fire Extinguisher Training
Most employers are unsure as to whether or not they’re required to provide fire extinguisher training to their employees or not, or what the overall benefits of doing so are. Fire extinguisher training can be the difference between life and… Read More
The Finest New Year’s Fire Safety Tips
A new year and a new decade are almost upon us, and you want to ensure that your apartment and your family are safe from any fires as you ring in 2020. There are a couple of fire safety tips… Read More
5 Of the Best Restaurant Fire Protection Tips
If you work within the restaurant industry, you already know that restaurants are at a massive risk for a tiny fire to fly out of control in an instant. Paper products, cooking oils, electrical connections, grilling equipment, cleaning chemicals, and… Read More
4 Ways Your Fire Protection System Could Violate Code
Implementing a fire protection system in your building is one of the best security measures you could take as a property owner. It shows your family, friends, coworkers, or employees that you are doing everything you can to ensure their… Read More
6 Ways to Prevent False Fire Alarms
Nobody in the world likes annoying alarms or unwanted system activations. One way to make them less likely? Stick with an annual inspection and maintenance schedule. However, preventing all unwanted fire alarm and system activations can be harder because there are a… Read More
Why You Should Have a Commercial Fire Sprinkler System Installed
Every year there are thousands of non-residential fires in office buildings, restaurants, retail stores, and other commercial establishments. These fires are costly for these business and property owners, costing them thousands to repair the damages done by the fire that… Read More
How To Tell the Lifespan of Your Fire Extinguisher
We’ve all seen that bright red fire extinguisher sitting around somewhere. Whether it’s in your home’s kitchen, closet, garage, or your company’s office building. Once you own the fire extinguisher, you don’t think much of it. It will just sit… Read More